I currently teach online social network marketing as Educational Director of Tinkers Academy. This is a free course with over 300 members. We teach hype-free conversational marketing. You are welcome to sign-up and learn how to grow membership in your Ning network.
Rodger Bailey, MS
Have you lived or worked in a developing country? What did you learn?
I have degrees in Anthropology and Educational Counseling and I currently live in a 3rd World Country.
Improved style-of-life has consequences. My personal concern is the rise of children's developmental problems which we have directly traced to modern diets and other contamination.
Please describe the skills and abilities you have that you think will be useful for this project.
At this point, I think I can help best by improving the scope of the online social networking of your project.
What critical concerns or issues should Piclopedia not fail to address?
I would make sure that all of the text in a pictograph be also available in a (clear) form which automated online translators can capture and display in selected languages.
Please describe any ideas you have for Piclopedia that might excite other members.
Self-contained catalytic, perpetual heat sources
Comment Wall (2 comments)
At 5:42pm on September 13, 2008, Daniel Wolf said…
Welcome aboard, Rodger! I am very pleased you've joined us! You're doing a lot of great work.
We haven't started strong marketing efforts yet while we try to get some foundational elements in place, but I welcome your willingness to show us how. I will look at your school and if it doesn't take too much time from my already-limited time I'll join. Otherwise I'll join a bit later. At some point we'll definitely want to start marketing.
Please check out the third Piclo site, where we're developing the framework for the actual site. https://sites.google.com/site/piclopedia/ We're developing (well, Robert Owen is mainly developing) an icon-driven search structure that eventually will allow language-free searching of all the designs on the Piclo site. When we're comfortable enough with the basic structure then we'll rename the site with the Piclopedia.org url and take down the present piclopedia.org site. (We're not sure yet if the Google site will allow appropriate team collaboration like the Ning site.)
I like your idea of appended text, carefully selected to translate properly. We are friendly to the idea of allowing additional textual materials (and even voices in explanatory videos), but it's important that they be complemenary/additional to the pictorial explanations. Eventually, as collaborators in different language nations get involved, they can add their own verbal explanations, but these can't be allowed to erode the discipline required for language-free designs/explanations.
Again, we welcome your participation! Let's get going!
At 9:49pm on September 14, 2008, Daniel Wolf said…
Thank you very much for referring them, it's much appreciated.
You're correct about the language issue. But what you see on the Google Piclo site is us talking to each other, not to the user of the plans. We're still at a very primitive level of accomplishment, and I'm behind in my duties to get examples of translated designs onto the site.
This is going to threaten to be confusing, but here's the poop on how I conceive of our managing the language issue (at least for now). We're starting out in English, and team communications will take place in English, at whatever length and depth required to facilitate collaboration and to produce output (the wordless designs/plans). I don't see any way around being intensely verbal on the team, as there is going to be a lot of background work behind every completed plan. The plan/product itself, which will appear on a website developed to maximize ease of use by people speaking a few hundred languages, will be pictorial, and any words will be there only to add searchability, extra emphasis, and in some cases names/descriptions that have to be provided verbally (e.g., temperature for tempering metal, particular alloy required). I'm afraid that hitting 98% pictorial overall could be our maximum, but maybe we'll hit 99. In any event, that's 90% more than is out there now.
As teams develop in different countries, they will be welcome to conduct their work in whatever language they feel most comfortable in; even team editors can (maybe should) be able to speak the other team language. In order to reduce the amount of redundancy/confusion with the English-speaking core team, it would be wise for at least one member of each non-English team to speak English. But I'm sure that even w/o English-speakers on a team, English editors will be able to evaluate developing pictorial plans for broad intelligibility.
But don't take this as any kind of indication that you shouldn't note items like this. We need to aspire to high standards of communication in order to do what we plan.
Best regards,
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Comment Wall (2 comments)
We haven't started strong marketing efforts yet while we try to get some foundational elements in place, but I welcome your willingness to show us how. I will look at your school and if it doesn't take too much time from my already-limited time I'll join. Otherwise I'll join a bit later. At some point we'll definitely want to start marketing.
Please check out the third Piclo site, where we're developing the framework for the actual site. https://sites.google.com/site/piclopedia/ We're developing (well, Robert Owen is mainly developing) an icon-driven search structure that eventually will allow language-free searching of all the designs on the Piclo site. When we're comfortable enough with the basic structure then we'll rename the site with the Piclopedia.org url and take down the present piclopedia.org site. (We're not sure yet if the Google site will allow appropriate team collaboration like the Ning site.)
I like your idea of appended text, carefully selected to translate properly. We are friendly to the idea of allowing additional textual materials (and even voices in explanatory videos), but it's important that they be complemenary/additional to the pictorial explanations. Eventually, as collaborators in different language nations get involved, they can add their own verbal explanations, but these can't be allowed to erode the discipline required for language-free designs/explanations.
Again, we welcome your participation! Let's get going!
You're correct about the language issue. But what you see on the Google Piclo site is us talking to each other, not to the user of the plans. We're still at a very primitive level of accomplishment, and I'm behind in my duties to get examples of translated designs onto the site.
This is going to threaten to be confusing, but here's the poop on how I conceive of our managing the language issue (at least for now). We're starting out in English, and team communications will take place in English, at whatever length and depth required to facilitate collaboration and to produce output (the wordless designs/plans). I don't see any way around being intensely verbal on the team, as there is going to be a lot of background work behind every completed plan. The plan/product itself, which will appear on a website developed to maximize ease of use by people speaking a few hundred languages, will be pictorial, and any words will be there only to add searchability, extra emphasis, and in some cases names/descriptions that have to be provided verbally (e.g., temperature for tempering metal, particular alloy required). I'm afraid that hitting 98% pictorial overall could be our maximum, but maybe we'll hit 99. In any event, that's 90% more than is out there now.
As teams develop in different countries, they will be welcome to conduct their work in whatever language they feel most comfortable in; even team editors can (maybe should) be able to speak the other team language. In order to reduce the amount of redundancy/confusion with the English-speaking core team, it would be wise for at least one member of each non-English team to speak English. But I'm sure that even w/o English-speakers on a team, English editors will be able to evaluate developing pictorial plans for broad intelligibility.
But don't take this as any kind of indication that you shouldn't note items like this. We need to aspire to high standards of communication in order to do what we plan.
Best regards,
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