
Making low-tech inventions available to farmers in developing countries

Daniel Wolf
  • 75, Male
  • San Diego
  • United States

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  • Rodger Bailey intention

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About Me:
I'm busy adding materials to help build the site, so I don't have much time for putting in a lot of bio material just yet. So please forgive me for now.

If you want to check me out, however, please go to the websites below, or google me using "daniel h wolf", "daniel wolf '86", and "Terra Segura International". Loads will come up.
Have you lived or worked in a developing country? What did you learn?
Yes, a year in India and a year and a half in Nicaragua and El Salvador, plus I lived in the Phillipines as a child.
Please describe the skills and abilities you have that you think will be useful for this project.
I have a very general background, am mechanically inclined, a former architect (unlicensed), self-taught structural engineer, and like to build things, which is why I was sensitive to the Handy Farm Devices book in the first place. I'm also a lawyer and political scientist, which might help with the administrative and political details. I'm also a good team builder and recruiter of talent.
What should other members of this network know about you, your background, or your experience?
Geez, I wrote the question but I'm afraid I'm the worst person to answer it!

I am very sensitive to the needs of the downtrodden, am a constant problem-solver and fixit man, and am always thinking about ways to put the latter at the service of the former.
What critical concerns or issues should Piclopedia not fail to address?
I'm developing ideas in my blogs, available from the main page.
Please describe any ideas you have for Piclopedia that might excite other members.
I'm developing ideas in my blogs, available from the main page.
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Daniel Wolf's Blog

New working Piclopedia website up for comment and work

Hi, Everyone!

Robert Owen has been working hard to create the skeleton of the eventual Piclopedia website that will actually contain all the designs/drawings/explanations that people can search and download.

What's happening now is we've created a bare-bones iconic search tree for technologies, based on a subject tree we've written up. It needs LOADS of adding to, so please suggest technology topics that you think should be included, and where they ought to be linked. For… Continue

Posted on November 2, 2008 at 7:09pm

Comment Wall (7 comments)

At 8:01pm on May 1, 2008, Bob La Quey said…
Actually the little girl in the picture is a niece. My daughter is 20, and also super cute and more imprtant intelligent :) My wife has ten brothers and three sisters in the Philippines. Among them they have about 60 children ... so I have that many neices and nephews. They all call me "Uncle Bob" or "Santa Klaus."
At 8:03pm on May 1, 2008, Bob La Quey said…
Hmmm ... I am still learning how to use this. The mark thru was an accident.

Actually the little girl in the picture is a niece. My daughter is 20, and also super cute and more imprtant intelligent :) My wife has ten brothers and three sisters in the Philippines. Among them they have about 60 children ... so I have that many neices and nephews. They all call me "Uncle Bob" or "Santa Klaus."
At 2:48pm on September 13, 2008, Rodger Bailey intention said…

I have just joined this social network. Please look over my profile and accept me as a friend.

Rodger Bailey, MS
Tinkers Academy Activities: Learn online social networking for free
At 2:48pm on September 13, 2008, Rodger Bailey intention said…
I notice that you only have limited members in this social network. If you are interested, I have a free course that teaches how to grow membership in your Ning network using hype-free conversational marketing. You are welcome to come and learn the basics.

Rodger Bailey, MS
Tinkers Academy Activities: Learn for free
At 11:47pm on September 13, 2008, Rima E. Laibow, MD said…
You sound like someone we would really like to get to know.
We are hard at work creating a "seed community" with sustainable, zero emissions BeyondOrganic (TM) farming and farm school, natural medical and wellness center, community, etc. here in Panama. The idea is to planetize the ability of people to feed themselves and their communities, taking back food production from the multinational which are killing people around the globe by degrading the food supply (and so much else). Food is the key, however, to health and economic stability, especially for the developing world.
We are working in intensive agriculture which anyone can carry out as well as farming patterns which generalize to the entire planet.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Dr. Rima
At 3:08am on September 14, 2008, Rodger Bailey intention said…

I thought Dr Rima and Bert might be a good addition to your think-tank, so I sent her a note about this site. I see that she joined.

About the language issue: In the three examples you have loaded for us as "photos," a viewer needs to know what a "filter" or "cultivator" is to start to understand the drawings.

We're developing (well, Robert Owen is mainly developing) an icon-driven search structure that eventually will allow language-free searching of all the designs on the Piclo site.

I'll check in with Robert and see if I can lend a hand in that area.

Rodger Bailey, MS
At 3:36am on September 15, 2008, Rodger Bailey intention said…

It sure seems that you have an excellent initial structure set up for your teams.

My comment was about the pictures on this site which you have as examples. I'm glad to help in any way possible.

Rodger Bailey

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