I am interested in infrastructure. We need to make infrastucture not war. Dan's efforts to distribute plans for appropriate technology that can be used by anyone is a wonderful effort that I would like to support.
Have you lived or worked in a developing country? What did you learn?
My wife is from a small corn and rice farming community in the Philippines. From her I have learned the importance of family, which in many parts of the world is the only real support system that anyone can depend upon. I have spent enough time in that village to appreciate the importance of tools and infrastructure. Most American garages have more and better tools than an entire village of 5000 people in a place like my wife's home.
Please describe the skills and abilities you have that you think will be useful for this project.
I worked construction for a decade as a young man. I am a competent computer programmer.
What should other members of this network know about you, your background, or your experience?
More later :)
What critical concerns or issues should Piclopedia not fail to address?
More later.
Please describe any ideas you have for Piclopedia that might excite other members.
Hey, Bob, thanks for being the first member, and for turning me on to how Ning can help this project! Already more ideas are coming my way, ideas that make my original thoughts seem two-dimensional by comparison. This is going to be fun, as well as useful!
Comment Wall (3 comments)
I have just joined this social network. Please look over my profile and accept me as a friend.
Rodger Bailey, MS
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